*NEW* – Periodic Rule Review (2024)

Posted: March 8, 2024 | Public Comment Period: March 14, 2024 – May 15, 2024

G.S. 150B-21.3A requires all agencies to conduct a review of that agency’s rules every ten years, determining whether each rule is necessary or unnecessary. Agencies must post a report issued by the Commission on the agency’s website to invite public comments for at least 60 days on the determinations.” (via OAH – Overview of the Review Process)

Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, the NCICLB has posted an initial determination report for 21 NCAC 23 – Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing Board. As required, the NCICLB has evaluated the existing rules and classified each rule as either:

  • Necessary – Means any rule other than an unnecessary rule.
  • Unnecessary – Means a rule that the agency determines to be obsolete, redundant, or otherwise not needed.

Website: NC OAH Reports with Initial Determinations Filed for Posting
Initial determination report: Completed G.S. 150B-21.3A Report for 21 NCAC 23, Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing Board 

*The public comment period will be open from March 14, 2024 until May 15, 2024*

“’Public comment’ is defined by G.S. 150B-21.3A(a)(5) as a written objection to all or part of a rule.  Additionally, pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A(c)(2), in order for the Rules Review Commission to determine whether the public comment has merit, the public comment must address the specific substance of the rule and address any of the standards of Commission review, as set forth in G.S. 150B-21.9(a).”

Any comment(s) regarding the Board’s determination of a rule must be submitted in writing, directed to Board Administrator, Margaret Geiger. Please make sure to clearly label each comment with the rule title and number.

Email:  info@nciclb.org
Fax:  (919) 872-1598


Attn: Margaret Geiger
P.O. Box 41421
Raleigh, NC  27629-1421