NEW CE Category: Education through Experience

NEW continuing education category starting January 1, 2023, in time for the 2024 renewal: “Education through Experience (EtE)”

Licensees may receive up to three (3) hours continuing education credit for irrigation work performed on any given job. One (1) hour of CE may be awarded for every 40 documented hours of irrigation construction and contracting related work. This new CE category was designed to give irrigation contractors credit for the valuable learning that takes place while working on the job. Forty (40) hours was decided upon as the hour calculation as 40 hours is what is considered a ‘normal’ work week, and the amount learned during that time would equal, if not surpass, 1 hour of education.

The forty (40) hours may be completed at any time throughout the year; the hours do not have to be completed in one consecutive week or timeframe. Hours will need to be documented to receive credit. The Board has prepared a chart for licensees to track hour calculation, and a sample of what will be accepted and approved. Along with the hour chart, licensees will need to submit a completed affidavit, swearing to the truth of hours submitted. The hour chart and affidavit are available below.

When you are ready to submit for credit, first make sure that you have a completed time chart, a signed affidavit, and any supporting documents ready. You must submit the graph of hours worked and the affidavit to receive credit. All Education through Experience hours should be submitted as “Self Directed Activities” and will be individually approved by the Board Administrator.

Quick FAQs:

One (1) credit hour will be awarded for each forty (40) hours worked, with a three (3) hour maximum per renewal. Licensees may submit for either two (2) irrigation hours / one (1) business hour OR one (1) irrigation hour / two (2) business hours.

All irrigation related work will be considered for credit. Start-ups, winterizations, repair, maintenance, installation/building, design, estimating, sales, etc. Not sure if it counts as credit? Ask!

Licensees will submit “Education through Experience” CE credits as “Self-Directed” activities, and attach supporting documentation. No matter what kind of work has been completed, documentation MUST be submitted.

Education through experience affidavit

EtE CE graph of hours worked